Maizeing Acres Inc. Cash Bids
Notes Basis Cash Price (tonne) Cash Price Futures Price Basis Month
Wheat, SRW

Quotes are delayed, as of September 19, 2024, 02:18:02 AM CDT or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.
Quotes are delayed, as of September 19, 2024, 02:18:02 AM CDT or prior.
Quotes are delayed, as of September 19, 2024, 02:18:02 AM CDT or prior.
Quotes are delayed, as of September 19, 2024, 02:18:02 AM CDT or prior.
Canadian Dollar
Quotes are delayed, as of September 19, 2024, 02:18:02 AM CDT or prior.
Important Information


Office (call or text): 705-313-2082
cell: 705-930-3488
Pete: cell: 613-391-9218 



Weekday Hours: 7 am to 4 pm

Weekends: Closed

One of the frustrations that we hear from custom combiners at this time of year is that it's perfect combining weather, but no one wants them to harvest beans yet, because they're not dry. Before you turn away a combine, let's look at the math.  If beans are 15%, your drying charges are about $9.50/tonne.  If we assume a 50 bushel or 1.36 tonne/acre yield, your drying charges would be a little less than $13/acre.  Beans are considered dry at 13% moisture.  We already have some beans coming in below 13% and anticipate a significant number of them overdry by the end of the week.  If you wait until your beans are 10%, you are losing 3% of your crop.  3% of a 50 bushel/acre crop is 1.5 bushels/acre.  At the current price of $12.60/bushel, you are losing almost $19/acre.  In this scenario, you would gain $6/acre by combining damp beans.  Keep in mind that moisture levels in soybeans can change significantly in a couple of hours.  If you have questions, please give us a call.


 WASDE Report trimmed bean yields a smidge with the late season dryness  That's lending some support today but with 550 mil carry out the market not likely to get too rattled on this  I would guess the next job is to make a contract low in the next 3 weeks Time will tell. 




Jeff's getting caught up on our excavating to-do list and is ready to start on yours!  If you have any projects requiring a backhoe or excavator, let us know!  Not sure what all Jeff can do?  Click on the "Excavating" tab at the top of this page.






Ag Market Commentary
Corn Slipping Lower at Midday -

Corn futures are fading off the early Wednesday session strength at midday, with contracts down fractionally to a penny. The front month national

Hogs Mixed at Midday -

Lean hog futures are showing mixed action at midday, with nearby contracts down a tick to 15 cents higher. The national average base hog price was

Cotton Falling Back on Wednesday -

Cotton futures are showing 118 to 140 point lower trade on Wednesday, as futures continue to fade off the Monday limit gains. The dollar index is

Soybeans Falling Off Early Session Highs -

Soybeans were posting double digit gains to start the day session, but are fading back to just 1 to 2 cent higher trade at midday. CmdtyView’s

Wheat Creeping Lower on Wednesday -

The wheat complex is showing lower trade as we head through the midday session, backing off from the early morning strength. Chicago SRW futures are

Cattle Reverting Lower on Wednesday -

Live cattle futures are trading with slight nickel to 45 cent lower action. Cash trade has yet to kick off this week. This morning’s Central

Full commentary...

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